Sun Summit Minerals is committed to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles, recognizing them as integral to responsible resource development. Our strategic approach is geared towards maintaining the highest standards of environmental responsibility and community engagement across all our projects. Sun Summit is dedicated to the sustainable delivery of shareholder value and mitigating risks with a focus on the following principles embraced by our employees and contractors:

Environmental Stewardship

Sun Summit Minerals is dedicated to the responsible management of natural resources, ensuring that our operations minimize the impact on the environment. We embrace safe and sustainable work practices, leveraging innovative technologies to reduce our environmental footprint.

Social Responsibility

Sun Summit Minerals is committed to establishing constructive local partnerships which respects the priorities and interests of local communities in which we work. Our commitment is reflected in our ongoing collaboration with Indigenous Nations and traditional land owners. Our approach involves actively incorporating community feedback into our work planning, maintaining regular and transparent communication, and providing meaningful opportunities for employment, contracting, and training. We seek opportunities to maximize employment and procurement for local communities through suitable training opportunities and resources. We also collaborate with local governments and organizations ensuring respect, fairness, and meaningful participation.

Smn Corporate Esg Social
  • Establish and maintain strong, mutually beneficial relationships with Indigenous nations and local communities
  • Supporting local and Indigenous employment, training, and business development
  • Source local supplies and services
  • Follow industry best practice to protect the long-term health and safety of our employees, contractors, and communities in which we work

Corporate Governance

Sun Summit is dedicated to upholding the highest corporate standards and personal integrity in all aspects of our business. Our commitment is reflected in the adoption of corporate policies and governance to guide the behavior of our directors, officers, and employees, ensuring accountability, responsibility, and ethical business practices.